* Feel free to use this material for personal, educational and commercial purposes.
Mr/Ms. {{ employee.first_name }} {{ employee.last_name }} ,
{{ employee.address_line_1 }},
{{ employee.address_line_2 }},
{{ employee.city }},{{ employee.state }},
{{ employee.country }}
Pincode: {{ employee.pincode }}
Date: {{ today_date }}
Dear Mr/Ms. {{ employee.first_name }} ,
Ref: Employee Id : {{ employee.employee_id }}, Last Designation: {{ employee.designation }}
With reference to your resignation letter dated on {{ employee.resignation_date }} the Company hereby accepts the same and relieves you from the duties and responsibilities with effect from {{ employee.release_date }}.
You were employed with us as {{ employee.designation }}, from {{ employee.joining_date }} to {{ employee.last_day_of_working }} i.e. as Director.
We confirmed that you’ve returned the company’s materials which were under your possession.
The severance payment is being cleared as per company policy and we will be updating you the date when you can collect your final payment.
We don’t have any objection and you’re free to join any organization in or outside India.
We at {{ organization.name }} wish you all success in your future endeavors.
Best Regards,
Signature: .......................................
Name: ..............................................
Designation: {{ employee.designation }}
For {{ organization.name }}
I have read, understood, and accepted the above statement.
Signature: ........................................
Name: ...............................................
Date: .................................................
How to use: